Blog: Latest News

Tramcar Collection Online

Tramcar Collection OnlineThe Museum is home to the largest preserved collections of tramcars and associated works vehicles in the country. The collection comprises more than 80 vehicles, the majority of which are passenger carrying tramcars, but we also have several works vehicles, such as...

Taking Shape

Taking ShapeProgress continues to be made on the restoration of ‘Bluebird’, LCC 1, which is starting to take shape once more. From the vantage point of the public ‘Restoration Workshop Viewing Gallery’ it is apparent that the interior fittings have been taken from store and the...

The Eagle Press

The Eagle PressThe ancient and noble art of letterpress printing is still practised at the Eagle Press. This method of printing was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany circa 1440, enabling books to be printed using single letters cast in lead.  William Caxton introduced the...

Trucks Anyone?

Trucks Anyone?It has been a busy week at the Museum, with maintenance work taking place in the Exhibition Hall, ready for Bournemouth 85 arriving later in the year, and whilst that was happening, we also had a team of our Workshop staff and volunteers, working down at our off site...

Depot Refurbishment Latest News

Depot Refurbishment Latest NewsIt has been a little while since we updated you on our depot refurbishment project due to take place later this year. We’re delighted to say that donations from Tramway Museum Society members and the public have now reached just over £20,000. We are really pleased...

We Want Your Views

We Want Your ViewsWe are looking for members of the public (not TMS Members or volunteers at this stage) who have either visited before or never visited Crich Tramway Village, who would be interested in joining a Focus Group and giving some honest opinions within the group. The first...

Crich Tramway Village is a brand name for the National Tramway Museum (Accredited with Arts Council England), solely owned and operated by The Tramway Museum Society, incorporated in England with liability by guarantee (no. 744229). Registered charity number 313615. Our ICO number is Z6700136.