Blog: Latest News

Traverser Returns

Traverser ReturnsOur Traverser has now returned from a comprehensive overhaul thanks to Chesterfield Crane Company. The Traverser plays an important role at the museum as the sole means of access to the tramcars on display in our Great Exhibition Hall and Depots 5 & 6. (Below left...

Glory Mine Up-date

Glory Mine Up-dateOur Permanent Way renewal project at Glory Mine continues with the objective to complete laying the new formation bed before Christmas.The old trackwork and ballast has been removed with fresh lengths of rail laid alongside ready for installation. 280 tonnes of fresh...

Winter Working Progressing

Winter Working ProgressingThe unseasonably fine and mild weather for Crich has allowed our Facilities team to make good progress on a range of winter projects over the past couple of weeks. In the Permanent Way Yard, a concrete hardstanding has been completed to provide a work area for...

Early Christmas Present!

Early Christmas Present!

In January 2018 The Tramway Museum began a fundraising campaign to buy a 1913 Leyland ‘Combination Car’ motorbus. The Museum has now raised the £65,000 needed for the purchase, thanks to many generous donations and a grant of £45,000 from The H.B. Allen Charitable Trust.

Winter Outside Working

Winter Outside WorkingWith Crich Tramway Village being closed to the public for only a week, our team have wasted no time getting stuck into a busy schedule of winter maintenance tasks across the site. Watch this space for further updates or why not get in touch to volunteer and become...

Special Local Hero Announced for Special Event

Special Local Hero Announced for Special EventFollowing a search for a local hero to switch on the illuminations at Crich Tramway Village’s Starlight Extravaganza, the winner is police dog PD Axle, from the Derbyshire Police Dog Section who was nominated as a local hero by Tammy and Darren Barnes from Belper. PD...

Community Day – Saturday 20th October 2018

Community Day at Crich Tramway Village Saturday 20th October is Community Day at Crich Tramway Village, when local residents living within 5 miles of Crich can visit the venue for free on production of proof of residence. In addition, as a thank you to the Heritage...

Crich Tramway Village is a brand name for the National Tramway Museum (Accredited with Arts Council England), solely owned and operated by The Tramway Museum Society, incorporated in England with liability by guarantee (no. 744229). Registered charity number 313615. Our ICO number is Z6700136.