Blog: Curator’s Choice

Tramcar Collection Online

Tramcar Collection OnlineThe Museum is home to the largest preserved collections of tramcars and associated works vehicles in the country. The collection comprises more than 80 vehicles, the majority of which are passenger carrying tramcars, but we also have several works vehicles, such as...

WW1 Research – Private Thomas Whitham VC

WW1 Research – Private Thomas Whitham VC

When we were researching our Arms to Armistice exhibition, Hannah our Curatorial Assistant discovered the story of Private Thomas Whitham, the only tramwayman, we know to have received the Victoria Cross for Bravery. Click to find out more about his story.

Trucks Anyone?

Trucks Anyone?It has been a busy week at the Museum, with maintenance work taking place in the Exhibition Hall, ready for Bournemouth 85 arriving later in the year, and whilst that was happening, we also had a team of our Workshop staff and volunteers, working down at our off site...

Whetstone Models In Service

Whetstone Models In ServiceSunday 23rd April, saw not only three of our own wonderful tramcars in service carrying passengers up and down our track, but also four of the Robert Whetstone models took to their own track in the Great Exhibition Hall. This year we are operating the models on a...

First World War Exhibition Takes Shape

First World War Exhibition Takes ShapeRoyal Artillery badge belonging to Ernest Taylor.   The Curatorial team at the museum have been busy preparing for the opening of our new exhibition “Arms to Armistice” which explores the impact of the First World War on Britain’s tramways from 1916 until the end...

Crich Tramway Village is a brand name for the National Tramway Museum (Accredited with Arts Council England), solely owned and operated by The Tramway Museum Society, incorporated in England with liability by guarantee (no. 744229). Registered charity number 313615. Our ICO number is Z6700136.