Initially the inhabitants on each side of the Wall were unable to visit or even telephone each other. From the mid 1960’s West Berliners were allowed to visit their relatives in the East at Christmas. In 1971, following negotiations by the four occupying powers the restrictions were relaxed.

It is believed that in the 28 years of the era of the Wall about 5,000 people managed to escape to West Berlin, although at least 140 people died in the attempt. The restrictions on East Berliners travelling to the West were revoked on the 9th November 1989 and reunification of Germany followed the following year. To those who visited Berlin in the 28 years of the Wall it was an interesting city to say the least.

To mark the 60 years since the building of the Wall, the museum will be displaying its Berlin tram at the museum on the 13th August between 10.00 and 17.30. Volunteers will be on hand to tell the story of the tram and what Berlin was like in those years of the Wall and to operate it for those booked on the Access Tram.