With the easing of restrictions, we have been able to ‘re-open’ some of our interactive features around the museum. These include:
In the ‘Mobile Postbox’ Exhibition in the Derby Assembly Rooms
• Magnetic postal game – can you work out the order of the different stages needed to send mail by tram?
• Children’s ‘Design a Stamp’ competition – use the template to design your own postage stamp!
Children under 15 years are eligible to enter our competition during the school summer holidays. Please take a template home (which you will find in the Mobile Postbox Exhibition), complete your design, then send a photo of it to us by Friday 3rd September 2021. You can email it to: collections@tramway.co.uk
Please include your name, age and contact email address or telephone number. The 3 best designs will win a small prize.

In the Exhibition Hall:
• Go inside the Blackpool Corporation No. 249 tram and take a seat to watch some archive film footage of Blackpool’s tramways from our collection.
• Michael Holroyd Smith – Electrifying the Future: Learn about Holroyd Smith’s pioneering inventions in the late 19th and early 20th century and use the touch screen to explore the many design drawings we hold in our archive.