We will be offering free admission to residents living within 5 miles of Crich on our Community Day on Sunday 11th October 2020.
Residents will need proof of living within 5 miles of Crich by producing a driving licence, utility bill or similar on admission. The tickets available will be for up to two adults and 3 children from the same household. Tickets do not need to pre-booked – just come along on the day from 10am.
In support of the community exhibition at The Glebe in Crich, there will be a small exhibition in the Learning Centre between 11am and 3pm of creative projects which were undertaken by staff and volunteers at the Museum during lockdown.
Crich Tramway Village is also opening for an additional weekend on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November 2020, from 10am – 5.30pm. (last admissions 4pm) with normal admission prices.

Marketing & Business Development Manager, Amanda Blair, said:
“We would normally end the season on Sunday 1st November this year, but we have decided to offer an additional weekend as we were closed for over three months due to Covid-19.
“We’re hoping that the weather is kind and that people will make the most of the last weekend before the winter shut down for essential maintenance.”
Covid-19 guidance measures are in place and members of the public will need to book a timed ticket for tram rides on arrival. There are no tram stops on the journey, to help ensure the safety of passengers, volunteers, and staff.
A Covid-19 Crich Tramway Village guidance sheet, which describes what visitors can expect, can be downloaded from the website: www.tramway.co.uk
In line with other venues, the indoor soft play area will remain closed and the numbers in indoor areas such as the shops and on the trams will be limited. Card and Contactless payments are preferred, and full-priced tickets can be purchased online.
For those who prefer not to take tram rides, special day rates without tram rides are available, and these are payable on arrival.