During our closed season between November 2019 and March 2020 our Facilities team of staff and volunteers, supported by external contractors, undertook replacement of 360 metres of trackwork along the section of double track known as the Bandstand Curves. In total our team successfully installed 500 replacement hardwood sleepers and 40 lengths of new rail, laid on a fresh foundation comprising 790 tonnes of recycled track ballast. Connecting the rails required 200 sets of new fishplate nuts, bolts and fittings. Traction current is now returned by over 200m of fresh bonding cabling.

Thank you to all those who generously supported the project by making a donation or sponsoring a sleeper for £100. You have raised £10,551 towards the project including Gift Aid, which has made a massive difference to the Museum. The names of those who supported the project are published below, although some have opted to remain anonymous.
Mr. Martin Buckland Mr. Philip Bannister Mr. John Black Mr. Malcolm John Blunden Mr. Robert Burrows Mr. John Burton Mr. John Carroll Dr. John Chambers Mr. Roger Cobbe Mr. Stuart Cooke Mr. Ian Dendy Mr. Anthony Depledge Mr. Keith Leslie Eden Mr. Charles Philip Graham Mr. Denis William Hawkins Mr. Dan Heeley Mr. Christoph Heuer |
Mr. John Holt Mrs. Beryl MacEwan and family (in memory of Lennox MacEwan) Mr. Simon Merivale Mr. Roger Michael Mr. Ken Middleton Mr. Stephen John Oliver Mr. Douglas Passell (on behalf of Noah Passell and Dylan Passell) Mrs. Margery Helen Poole Mr. Frederick Skinner Mr. Derek Smith Mr. Nigel Walker Mr. David Waters Master Logan Waters Mr. Neil White Mr. Andrew John Willis Mr. John Wood |