In January this year, we began an appeal to raise funds for the purchase of Car No. 5, a trial tramway replacement service bus operated by Barnsley & District Electric Traction Company, from and later by British Electric Traction Group. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters we have already raised over £12,000! We still need another £53,000 to make the bus part of our collection.

Car No. 5 has visited the museum on previous occasions and will be visiting us again this year. The Leyland Society will be celebrating their 20th anniversary at Crich Tramway Village on 8th July and a range of Leyland vehicles will be on display, including Car no. 5. It will be staying with us for a while to help us promote the campaign. Below is a photo (courtesy of Mike Sutcliffe) from a Leyland Society event at Crich 10 years ago, showing Car no. 5 and other vehicles in the Sutcliffe Collection. We can’t wait to see the line-up for 2018!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the campaign so far. If you would like to make a donation please visit our website:
Or send a cheque payable to The Tramway Museum Society, to: Car No 5 Appeal, Fundraising Officer, Crich Tramway Village, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 5DP. (The names of contributors will be displayed unless they prefer to remain anonymous).