At our special event on Saturday 5th November, for Museum members and invited guests, the opportunity was taken by James Harkins to give a big ‘Thank You’ to Lynda Wright. ‘Thank you for saving my life!’
Visitors to our 1940’s events might recognise James as a Sergeant-Major in the Black Watch. A few weeks ago he was one of a group of members and friends on a tour of German tramways during which, without realising it, he was stung by an insect. He suffered an extreme reaction to the sting and, in a fairly short time, became seriously ill.
Fortunately, Lynda was also part of the group. She is a member of the Board of Trustees but, more importantly on this occasion, she is also a qualified nurse and one of Crich Tramway Village’s trained First Aiders. She very quickly took control, administered first aid and called the emergency services for paramedic assistance.
James was admitted to hospital and was very ill for several days but is now thankfully back to his normal full health. It was felt appropriate that his ‘Thank You’ should be delivered in front of one of our operational Glasgow tramcars.