Our Starlight Spectacular event starts on Monday 24th October and runs to Saturday 29th October.
Our first blog about this event (below) focuses on Monday 24th – Wednesday 26th October.
On Monday 24th October there will be a special Crich Tramway Village light switch on by a surprise guest. The village will be illumated and looks amazing in the dark!
From Monday – Wednesday there will be a Harry Potter look-a-like and Woodie’s Wings (owls and parrots) talk, walk and tram ride from 4.45 pm – 7.00 pm.
There will also be a Hogwarts themed buffet in the Great Hall (Poulson Room) from 4.30 pm – 7.00 pm at an additional charge of £9.95 for adults and £5.00 for children under 16 years. Pre-book the buffet by 23rd October to avoid disappointment, although we anticipate this filling well before that date. Download the hogwarts-themed-buffet-2016 here.
There will also be story time sessions for young children from 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm and our vintage trams will run until 7.00 pm in the evenings on these days.
Running all week will be Woodies Wings birds on display, craft making, an illuminated Halloween theme on the Woodland Walk and dance along sessions.

Look out for more information about events later in the Starlight Spectacular week!