Crich has always been active in keeping young people interested in the history and the future of the museum, and we are sure they will keep the Museum running for many years to come. We always love it when we have new recruits, and the young member’s team (Rich and Ryan) are always looking to get more young members conducting on board our trams. Trams aren’t just boy’s toys either, as we have a few ladies, and young ladies who join us in keeping the trams running.
Hannah Douthwaite joined as a member at the museum back in 2012, but has always been fascinated by our trams since she was 6. Hannah was nervous and didn’t know what to expect when she first put her application in to conduct over a year ago. Helped by Ryan (Young Members Coordinator), she eventually applied with a passion to join the ranks of being a fully qualified conductor. Waiting over a year, and finally finishing her GCSE’s at Meden School and Technology College, she finally got the chance to undertake our outstanding initial training day on Saturday 20th June 2015. Along with Meaghan Holman, they are our newest, and youngest females to join our traffic department.
Hannah completed her first day in passenger service on Sunday 28th June 2015, on Sheffield 510, and is hoping for a successful lifetime of volunteering at the museum.
Hannah said ‘ I have been made to feel very welcome at Crich over the years especially during my training, it’s like one big extended family. I can’t wait to continue with my training over the summer and if you have any spare time then I would encourage you to sign up as a volunteer. ‘
Ryan Breen, Assistant Young Members Coordinator